A hop and a skip for Kangaroo Island Docs

Over the past three years, Angel Flight has responded to the growing need for air transport services that support health professionals traveling to rural and remote areas. With approximately seven million Australians living outside major cities—where rates of hospitalisation, injury, and limited access to primary healthcare are significantly higher—timely medical support is more critical than […]
Rural Doctors Foundation partners with Angel Flight to improve access to healthcare in rural Australia

After the incredible success of their GPs4RuralDocs program launch, providing GP services to rural health practitioners, Rural Doctors Foundation are flying back out again – with Angel Flight in the pilot’s seat. GPs4RuralDocs is a program aimed at supporting rural health practitioners to keep them living and working in the rural communities that need them. […]
Kangaroo Island docs get wings

Angel Flight pilot Owen Crees with Dr Erin O’Halloran
Heart of Australia and Angel Flight on board for better bush health

Rural Medi-Flights offers a cost effective, direct and on demand flying solution for busy medics